Occasionally, some patients will experience potential complications during treatment.
Issues Related to Orthodontic Appliances
Appliances might become broken or bent during your orthodontic care, such as loose bands, loose brackets, or broken or poking wires. For your convenience and the convenience of scheduled patients, it is not possible to handle complications on a walk-in basis. Call our office for an appointment during patient hours.
In the meantime… here are some helpful hints ↓
Direct Injuries to the Mouth and Teeth
Following a direct injury, immediately ice, and contact your regular dentist and our office as soon as possible. If a tooth has been displaced, knocked out, or fractured, contact your family dentist first and then notify our practice.
Common Orthodontic Issues
As much as we try to avoid orthodontic issues, they do occasionally arise. If you experience any of the below situations, please contact us.
After Office Hours
If an orthodontic emergency arises where the patient is in severe and/or unusual pain after hours, please contact our office. Information is available regarding who to contact for further assistance: (775) 825-1881.